Tuesday 19 March 2019

Business Ethics

Business Ethics

Business ethics are moral principles that guide the way a business behaves. 

The same principles that determine an individuals actions also apply to business.

What is the 'morally' correct way for an individual to live their life?

The wallet challenge:

What would you consider to be 'unethical' business behaviour?

Using child labour?

Using forced labour?

Damaging the environment?

Having unsafe working conditions?

Paying bribes?

Anything else?

Examples of unethical business activity.

The deadly cost of fashion:The Rana Plaza factory collapse.

The accident left 1334 dead and hundreds more injured. More here.

Corruption: what does it mean?

Paying bribes - how corrupt is the UK?
Click on the picture:

Click on the picture:

This documentary was made by a film maker who ate McDonalds 3 times a day for 30 days.

Click on the picture:

What do you think happened to his health?

Other ethical issues:

Selling Happy Meals with toys to appeal to children.

McDonalds distributes 1.5 billion toys annually around the world. That was more than Toys R’ Us (when they were still in business).

Advertising to children:

Misleading food photography. Click on the image:

Animal welfare. Details here.

Low pay.

Sexual harassment:

Litter. Click on the headline.

What do McDonald's say in response to this criticism? 

CSR stands for Corporate Social Responsibility.

This is what you will include in the PowerPoint presentation - with any observations of your own.

Click on the image below:

Click on the logo: