Tuesday 2 April 2019

Business Ethics M1, D1

M1: Write a report to the chief executive to explain how the organisation might improve by introducing a more ethical approach. 




Title / Terms of reference:

Findings - Section 1.

2.[M1] Explain three ways in which the business

could improve its ethics.

3. What would be the advantages of these 


Use phrases such as: 'an advantage of this 

would be' or 'a consequence of this would be'.

4. Bring in some examples (perhaps from other 

successful organisations) to support your case.

5.Although you can refer to the disadvantages this

criteria should concentrate on the advantages.

You will need to clearly explain at least three suggestions and show how they will lead to a more ethical organisation. 

You will then need to discuss how these suggestions are likely to benefit the business. 

Don’t forget to give examples plus references.

D1: What are the costs and benefits of such changes? 

Section 2 of the REPORT.

1.You need to evaluate your suggested changes

from M1 (and possibly some of the business’s 

existing ethical policies).

2.Weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of

each your suggestions, bringing in the points

of view of different stakeholders.

3.Are there circumstances in which your suggestions

may not be worth while?

4.What if the business is just doing it for marketing

reasons? Is this a possibility?

5.Ultimately will your suggestions improve the

performance of the business?

Don't forget to include references.

Conclude your report by evaluating (making a judgement) about the impact (both positive and negative) of your business being more ethical.