Monday 19 November 2018

Business Environment: Assignment 4

Produce a leaflet which links the needs and wants of stakeholder groups and how they might seek to influence the aims of each organisation.

Tesco stakeholders:

What are the aims and wants of customers?

Is there anything in the statement above about quality products at reasonable prices?

Is there anything in the document below about trading in an ethical fashion?

If customers were not happy with the price, quality, ethical standards or customer service it is likely that they would shop elsewhere. 

This would put huge influence on Tesco to change its priorities.

Tesco core purpose and values: more here.

What are the aims and wants of employees?

Employees would seek for the company to use a proportion of the profits they make to increase wages and improve employee working conditions. 

Shareholders are unlikely to be very happy with this.


Suppliers want regular orders and to be paid on time. What might they do if this does not happen?

Local community?

How could the local community put pressure on Tesco to change?


If shareholders were unhappy with the business they could sell their shares. 

A falling share price would put pressure on Tesco Directors to change direction.

The government (HMRC)?

Pressure groups. Click on the logo.

More details of what RuTC wishes to achieve by 2020 here.

Stakeholder group:

Teaching staff.

College objective: 'Destination of choice for staff'.

What do you think the needs and wants of staff would be for this aim to be achieved?

'We will ensure staff have the necessary resources to deliver outstanding teaching'.

What resources?

What potential conflict could you see between the needs and wants of the teachers and college management?

Teachers could seek to influence the aims of the college through their Trade Union (University and Colleges Union).

The threat of industrial action could force senior managers to change the aims of the college.


'Our aim is to achieve success rates of 90%'.

What do you think the needs and wants of students would be for this aim to be achieved?

If students were unhappy they could organize protests to change the ways in which things are done. 

This may influence the actions of the college management team.

College Management Team.

'Cost reduction and efficient delivery of services'.

How could management achieve this?

What about the needs and wants of:


Parents could complain to OFSTED and inspectors could instruct the college management team to change their policies.

The government (through OFSTED)?

The local community?