You need to include in your assignment an organisational structure for RuTC and one other organisation.
This organisational chart is available on Moodle > Unit 1 > Your teachers resources.
Strategic planning: is an organisation's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy.
Organisational structure: refers to the relationship between different people and functions in an organisation.
Vertically, from shop-floor workers through supervisors and managers to directors.
Horizontally, between different functions and people at the same level.
Organisation chart: a diagram showing the lines of authority and layers of hierarchy in an organisation.
An organisational chart of Thorpe Park:
Functional areas: how a business is divided up into different departments depending on the activities of the organisation.
Organisational hierarchy: the vertical division of authority and accountability in an organisation.
Levels of hierarchy: the number of different supervisory and management levels between the shop-floor and the chief executive within an organisation
Span of control: the number of subordinates a manager is required to supervise directly.
If a manager has many subordinates answerable to him or her, the span of control is said to be wide.
If a manager has relatively few subordinates answerable to him or her, the span of control is said to be narrow.
Flat and tall structures:
Traditionally, organisations tended to have very tall hierarchical structures, i.e. many layers of management, each with a narrow span of control.
More recently, hierarchies have become flatter, meaning that the number of layers of management has been reduced and each manager has a wider span of control