Thursday 16 May 2019

Business Ethics Assignment 3

Investigate Heathrow Airport Holdings Limited and write a briefing document setting out the concerns that different communities have about the proposed third runway.

The third runway plan:

BBC News report 1:

BBC News report 2:

A community is a group of people with a shared characteristic or issue in common.

The communities you will be investigating are: 

   The local community (some in favour of the new runway, most against).

The business community (represented by the CBI). They are in favour of a new runway.

The national community (what do you think the people of the UK think?).

Should there be a national 'hub' airport where you can connect to any worldwide destination, or should more emphasis be placed on regional airports?

In addition explain the views that some pressure groups may have. 

Finally you can explain the view of the government / Department of Transport and the airport regulator the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).

Understanding ethical concerns facing different communities.

Heathrow Expansion:

Start your briefing paper by explaining what the third runway plan involves.

A map would be helpful showing the communities which would affected by the development.

Heathrow Airport is owned by Heathrow Airport Holdings Limited. Details here.

Campaigners for and against the third runway are known as pressure groups.

They do not seek political office but seek to influence the public and decision makers.

Two of the best known pressure groups are (click on the logos):

A community group opposing the expansion of the airport is HACAN.

Click on the picture:

The Confederation of Business Industry support plans for airport expansion.

Click on the picture:

What community views are evident from this pressure group:

The impact of overseeing bodies.

The UK government has the final say on whether a third runway can be built.

The Department for Transport would have a major say in this decision. Details here.

Also important is the The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) which is the statutory corporation which oversees and regulates all aspects of civil aviation in the United Kingdom. 

News article here.

What are the business implications of the ethical issues raised by the airport expansion plans?

You need to explain how Heathrow management responded to the concerns raised by community groups, pressure groups, airport regulators and the government?

Heathrow Airport on YouTube: 

Reaction of Heathrow Airport Holdings Ltd about these ethical issues:

Click on the picture:

Will the proposals that the airport have put forward satisfy the various community groups?

What about the impact of the expansion of the M25 motorway:

So overall, try to analyse how the airport has responded the views of the various community groups.