Monday 9 September 2019

Business Environment - Range of Different Businesses and their Ownership

Can you think of a local Twickenham business?

Click on the picture:

Can you think of a business that operates on a national scale. 

Clue: it will visit every household in the country.

Can you think of a business that operates on an international scale?

Click on the picture:

Do you know the difference between the public sector and the private sector?

Public sector organisations are those that have been set up or taken over by the government.

Examples of public sector organisations include:

HMRC powers:

According to its website, the HMRC can:
  • Apply for orders requiring information to be produced – production orders.
  • Apply for search warrants.
  • Make arrests.
  • Search suspects and premises following arrest.
  • Example 2:
  • Network Rail is the owner and infrastructure manager of most of the rail network in England, Scotland and Wales. 
  • Network Rail is responsible to the Department for Transport with no shareholders, which reinvests its income in the railways.

In the UK there are very few public sector organisations left. 

They have become private sector organisations through a process called privatisation.

Private businesses are owned by private individuals.

Private owners risk their own money, so are determined for their business to succeed.

Examples of private sector businesses:

Not-for-profit/voluntary businesses:

In pairs, how many of these organisations can you think of?

Some examples: 

A charity must meet strict requirements set out by law. 

It must register with the Charity Commission and present a set of accounts each year.

Charities have to be set up for a specific purpose.